There is no magic bullet or magic
pill or a secret formula to achieve success. There are no new fundamentals to
be followed to achieve success. To simply put it, you cannot manufacture new
antique, antique is antique so are the success fundamentals.
Success is not doing five
thousand things really well, success is doing half a dozen things really well
five thousand times. Earning success is hard, the process is laborious,
requiring patient and persistent efforts consistently over-time. Slow and
steady win the race, be world’s biggest believer of consistency. As the saying
goes “small smart choices, plus consistency plus time equal radical
Nothing fails like success,
success breeds complacency. Success is like a breath of air, although your last
breath was important but the next one is more important. It is important that
you keep success and not just get it, you have to maintain it. It is not about
attaining one goal one time.
The belief that success should be
as fast as fast food does not work, there are no quick fixes and silver
bullets, do not fool around. Success takes hours and hours of relentless
practice, faced with sheer agony and frustration of failures, set- backs until
you become number one. The only path to success is continuum of mundane,
unexciting, daily discipline which compounds over time to create a fairy tale
Everything in our life exist
because of the choice we have made. Each choice starts a behavior which
eventually becomes habit i.e. we make our choices then our choices makes us.
The biggest challenge is we are not even aware that we are making these
choices. What we are today is because of the choices we made at some point in
time. Our life is product of our moment to moment choices.
Difference between lucky and
unlucky depends on the choices you make. Everyone has opportunity to be lucky.
When luck comes your way you should take advantage of it. New definition for
luck is
preparation plus personal growth plus attitude plus opportunity plus action equals luck.
preparation plus personal growth plus attitude plus opportunity plus action equals luck.
Given below are few fundamentals
for producing giant results and achieve success:
1. Habit: Habit is formed by
conditioning of our brain. Things regularly practiced day in day out gets
transformed into a habit. A simple example is, as soon as we hit the car seat,
we fasten the seat belt. Forming habits is difficult and does not happen
instantaneously, but if regularly and consistently practiced would get a place
in the subconscious mind thus forming a habit. Forming a habit requires a big
motivation, our brain also works on a carrot. We have to link pleasures and
pains to our particular act to form a habit of consistently doing or not doing
an act. It's never too late to start a good discipline. Every great act start
with small steps. Small daily actions over time will help transform the action
into a habit. Find a motivation to choose one new habit, ripple effects of the
same will improve other areas of life.
2. Values: Your values should be
congruent to your goals. Your goals should be 100% matching your values. For e.g. your value can be “family”, but if
your goals does not have anything about family, then you are off-track going to
different direction hence impacting your success. It is essential that your
deepest value should be congruent to your goals and your habits should speak
about your value system.
3. Goals: Unless you have clearly
laid down goals you will not be able to execute the same. You need to first
define your life goals, then your business and professional goals and go after
the same. Goals should be strongly connected to your values. Your values
determines your behavior. What stands between you and your goal is your
behavior. Your daily behavior would indicate how serious you are about your
goal. The goals you set should be sharp and measurable. As the saying goes
“What gets measured gets improved”. An analogy for importance of sharp and
focused target can be derived from this simple example, “ An aircraft is on the
run way to go from Delhi to Mumbai, had the direction been 1% deviated from the
direction required to travel from Delhi to Mumbai, the aircraft would have
landed 150-200 kilometers off the desired course.” Hence it is important that
we have focused goals with minutest details.
4. Entertainment and Education Ratio (EE
Ratio): Do keep measuring this ratio, do not waste too much time on
entertainment, entertainment may be by way of watching TV, busy playing games
in Play Station or xbox, facebook and other social media etc., all these will
not add any value to you . Spend time getting more knowledgeable and educated,
spend time on your personal development. Spend time on activities which help
your own world, do not bother much about the world around you. Do not spend too
much time reading new papers or keeping yourself updated on the news. Rather to
be productive, subscribe to tweets/RSS feeds to get the news for your needs and
business requirements.
5. Tracking your actions: All
winners are trackers. It brings moment to moment awareness in life.
Track every
action of your life every day. If you want to lose your weight, track
everything you eat and every exercise you do. Write on a little piece of paper
or in your mobile. Process forces you to be conscious of your decisions.
Tracking enables improvement.
6. Morning and evening rituals: Get
into a habit of using your morning and evening time well. Some part of your
morning time can be used for fitness training, gratitude, day planning,
inspirational reading and some part of your evening time can be used for
reflection for the day, ideation and inspirational reading just before going to
the bad.
7. Do not over do anything:
Overdoing is not a sustainable model, do what you can do consistently. Consistency
always pay for. For e.g. If Mr. A and Mr. B are asked to travel/fly on the
flight from Delhi to Mumbai, with Mr. A given instruction to fly directly while
Mr. B is asked to hop down and up in between in 10 locations, for sure Mr. A
would be much efficient and reach much before even if he had flew at half the
speed of Mr. B. In stop over and start again you lose the momentum hence do it
consistently. You will succeed better than over kill.
8. Relation reflection: Family day
should be defined and adhered to. Show the love to your family. Make your
spouse feel important, respect her, treat her well, develop her and give time
to her. She is one who would be always there with you.
9. Circle of Influence: You are
known by your circle of influence. The people you spend most time with would
determine your behavior, your priorities in life, your habits, your thoughts
etc. etc. You can select five people with whom you spend your time with,
understand their priorities in life, their social strata and see if they match
your thought process. You need to decide on the people with whom you can spend
three minutes rather than three hours, three hours rather than three days,
three days rather than an extended holiday. You should select the people you
want to disassociate with, have limited association with and have extended
association with. This would enable you to create a right circle of influence
which would be congruent to your goals and value system.
10. Do better than expected: Always
be one up than what is expected. Steve Jobs: always delivered more than
customer expectation. Shock it all philosophy of Richard Branson: known for
always doing things differently, see all his new launches. It had wonderful
impact. If you do better than expected, you build credibility with the other
person which helps you succeed. Always prepare well to deliver beyond
expectation. If you need to deliver a lecture for a group, do all the research
on the group to understand the expectation, then go and deliver better than
expectation, this would create an “awe”. If you are going for the best
job/dream job, prepare well, be aggressive to demonstrate your passion. Go that
extra step, do research about the company, search the employees in any one of
your or your friends contact, have a greeting sent through him to the decision
making authority, nine out of ten times, you will fare better than others and
it is most likely that you will get the job. Do not do common things that
others’ do, always do something different.
All the above fundamentals converge
to something called taking personal responsibility of your life i.e. owning
hundred percent of your actions and choices. It is like, what percentage of
shared responsibility you have in making a relationship work 100/0. Always take
100% responsibility as you alone are responsible for what you do and don't do
and what happens to you. No matter what happened own it, take full
responsibility for your life. Eliminate all your excuses.
When you do smallest course
corrections, it will make a great compounding effect over time
and the results will be nothing less than exceptional. Commit to one small insignificant step over a time.
and the results will be nothing less than exceptional. Commit to one small insignificant step over a time.
Get the grit and passion of successful
people who are willing to do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Always
express the feeling of gracefulness to others. Attitude of gratitude is by
being grateful for everything around you. What you appreciate appreciates!
Source : The Compounding Effect
by Mr Darren Hardy
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