Monday, September 22, 2014

What is success

What is Success? 

Success is important, successful is vital to the well-being of the individual, to the family unit and the group and future survival of all these things, success provides confidence, security and sense of comfort and the ability to contribute at a greater level, success provides hope and leadership for others in terms of what might be possible.

Success is not an option, success is your duty, obligation and responsibility. Success is an ethical issue, it’s a duty towards your family, your profession. If it does not become an ethical issue for you then you won’t feel obligated or be driven to fulfill your capacity, people do not approach creation of success as must have obligation, do or die mission, or as a habit, or something you are obsessed with.  Thus most of us spend most of our life giving excuses of why you did not succeed. This is what generally happens when you consider success as an alternative or an option rather than an obligation.

Success comes about as a result of mental and spiritual claims to own it followed by taking necessary actions over time till that state is acquired. If you approach success with any less than your ethical and moral duty, obligation and responsibility to your family, your company, your future you will most likely not create success and will have more difficulty in keeping it. When you approach success as a responsibility and ethical issue, everything else would fall in place.

Success always comes as a result of earlier actions. There is no overnight success, no one sees the countless actions taken, mental stakes one has passed through to get the much deserved success, accomplishment and victory. Success allows more success. Success perpetuates success, if you are successful in achieving a goal or target, you set another target and continue to succeed.

Success is like a breath of air, although your last breath was important but the next one is more important. It is important that you keep success and not just get it, you have to maintain it. It is not about attaining one goal one time.

To attain success one should establish a right level of action and thinking that will guarantee success and ensure that you continue to operate at that level in your career and life and  to get things what you want in amount greater than you have ever imagined.

Approach to Goal Setting

Set your goals properly and be so pre-occupied with your own doing by thinking differently and embracing a die-hard commitment for success.

Human kind by and large set targets at sub-par level as we have pre-determined notions which we have learnt and gathered by our experience and from people around us. Remember any goal you set is always difficult to achieve then why not set goal which is much higher. Do not under-estimate your capability.

If you set sub-par goals, you simply will not invest enough energy and efforts on it. Why get merely good at something when market place recognizes only excellence.

Any desirable goal or target always suggests that you are yet to accomplish something you have planned to achieve.

Points to remember

1.       It always take more than normal efforts to make giant success.
2.       More than normal efforts gives enough to overcome unexpected events on the way to success.
3.   If you under-estimate the efforts, time and energy to do something, you will have to quit in everything, you won’t develop the persistence required to accomplish your targets.
4.      If you correctly estimate the efforts, time and energy to do something, the market place will sense by your actions and you will be regarded as a force to be reckon with and market place and people around you will begin to respond positively.
5.   The biggest mistake everybody does is reduce the targets if the same is unattainable rather than increasing the actions. The only way for one to win is to push the finish line up. A great manager will push a person to do more at the risk of coming up short rather than targeting less.
6.    Never ever reduce your targets, always work on increasing the actions, re-thinking target suggests you are getting off-track.
7.    Any target with right amount of actions in right amount of time is achievable. The target set is never wrong, the action determines whether the target would be achieved or not. No excuses should be taken or accepted as all excuses are garbage and only an escape route.
8.   Regardless of the timing, the right acts done to the right degree, persisted over time will guarantee success.
9.   Enthusiasm for any project is important but you cannot forget an equally important fact that your customer are not as enthusiastic about your project as you are, they don’t even know if it exists, and thus to make a difference always work with 10x efforts and actions.
10.  Approach every situation with a win it attitude, whatever it take mindset. Have a champion mindset and always remember to follow through completely as this is the great common denominator of all winners, they see every action through to completion and they make no excuses.
11.  As long as you are alive, you will either live to accomplish your own goal or dreams or be used as a resource to accomplish someone else’s goal or dream.

Success does not merely happens, it is the result of relentless proper actions persisted over time, only those who operate with appropriate view and corresponding actions would guarantee themselves success. Luck clearly has something to do with success, anybody who is lucky would tell you that luck is directly proportion to the amount of action taken, more action you take, the better is the chance of getting lucky.

Regard success not as something which merely happens to you, rather success should be regarded as something which happens because of you. Success is like a marriage which cannot sustain itself on the love that was created on the wedding day.

Source: 10X Rules by Grant Cardone

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