Saturday, November 22, 2014


You could currently be faced with a thousand problems, many or most of which you have no control over, however there is one thing where you have absolute control over, that is your own attitude. Attitude is the most powerful word. Attitude is the magic word.

When you surrender control of your attitude to what appears to be a negative situation you will then do only thing you would be capable of doing. You will react to the situation and when that happens you lose. On the other hand if you are to remain objective, you will respond to the situation appropriately and that is always the winner’s choice. The end result of these two different approaches are poles apart.
There are many things wrong in this world, unfortunately that is all some people are able to see. These people live dark, narrow lives, they are unhappy and have accomplished little which is of any meaning throughout their lives. Their lives are one of lack and limitation and it seems they continue to move from one bad experience to another. Unfortunately their attitude is the cause of their problems. It is unfortunate that they are generally not aware of the cause of their unwanted lifestyle. They are losing at every turn on the road of life and they do not even know why they are losing. Conversely there are those who are forever winning. They are the real movers and shakers, the lucky ones. Lucky because good things keep coming their way. They focus their attention on the beauty that surrounds them wherever they go. Their life is exciting and adventurous. They go from one major accomplishment to another. This group enjoys a wonderful family life and they develop deep and meaningful relationship with others. They are in control of their life. They know where they are going and they know that they will get there. They are real winners in life and their wins are a matter of choice.

Winners knows that everything can be better. Attitude is everything to the winner. Attitude can be defined, it can be understood and can be controlled by anyone. Attitude is the composite of your thoughts, your feelings and your actions. Attitude is actually a creative cycle which begins with your choice of thoughts. You do choose your thoughts, and that choice is where your attitude originates. Thought is energy and is considered by many as the most potent form of energy in existence. As you internalize your thoughts and get emotionally involved with your thoughts you set up your stage in forming an attitude. You move your entire being, mind and body into a new vibration. Your conscious awareness of this vibration is nothing but feeling. Your feelings are then expressed in actions or behavior and this is the final stage of forming an attitude which produces various results in your life. Attitude and results are inseparable, they follow one other like the night follows the day.

For you to make the progress you are capable of making, you must understand the cause and effect relationship of attitude to results. A person is what they think about all day long. A person’s life is what their thoughts make of it. The results you achieve in life is nothing more than an expression of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Everything in life has two sides, positive and negative. We all decide to choose to look at the positive or negative sides of any situation we come across in life, however you need to understand that you are able to see only one side at a time, the conscious mind is not able to think of two things at once. Those who win are aware of the negative, however their conscious mind focuses always on the positive. If they are not able to see positive, they keep looking at it till they discover the same.

If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms, you will achieve positive results. Taking control of your attitude and maintaining control of your attitude is not necessarily an easy thing, however if you are able to do it you are a definite winner.

If you are not in control of your attitude but you want to get control of it, you can get it by reviewing your results and the actions. List down everything that you think is wrong. One thing is for sure that everything has an opposite, you cannot have a bad without a good, up without a down or hot without a cold. You can take anything on this list of what is wrong and find out what is good about it. You have to think and look for the good side in every action. Our own attitude begins with our own thinking and we must remember we do have a choice. We can consciously make winners choice and respond to the situation or react to the situation. If we react we lose, when we respond we winner.
The problem with most people who continually lose because they are generally not making a conscious choice, they are doing this unconsciously. It’s a habit, they have the habit of reacting to life rather than responding. Having a poor or negative attitude is frequently a part of the persons conditioned nature, it is habitual. The same is also true for positive attitude.  

Winner’s attitude is contagious. A negative attitude is a dis-integrating force, a positive attitude is a creative growth force. Love the negative person, if for no other reason but at least for the opportunity they give you to practice developing a conscious control over your attitude. Always remember, God never gives us a problem we are not equipped to handle. There would be no mental growth if everything was always rosy, there would be no need for it. Even the winner may go astray at times, they may get knocked down and lose it, however they will not stay down. Everybody makes mistake, no one is perfect. Perfection is what the winner strives for, but has not yet reached. The winner is aware of the basic truth that attitude is the foundation of all success. It is the power principle which every winner has mastered. Turn it into a habit. The winner can go broke, they may lose everything they have and may do so number of times, however they refuse to lose control over their attitude and as a result they are back on top in a short time.
Your attitude towards the world and everything in it, will determine the world’s attitude towards you. By maintaining control over the way you think, feel and act you causes good things to happen in your life and you magnetize yourself to good. Those who have poor attitude actually attracts actually negative situations into their life. These people fervently believes that winners are lucky. That is the very reason why most losers do not even try to win. They believe in luck and they are never very excited for the luck they are having. To get luck on your side and to make an evergreen attitude for yourself, you should focus on the following ten attitude forming emotions:

1.       Love and warmth: the consistent expression of love seems to be able to melt almost any negative emotion it comes in contact with. For example, if someone comes to you in a state of hurt or anger and you consistently respond to them with love and warmth, eventually their state will change and their intensity will melt away.

2.    Appreciation and gratitude: Appreciation and gratitude are two of the most spiritual emotions, actively expressing thoughts and actions for all the gifts life has given. Cultivating this emotion is cultivating life. Live with an attitude of gratitude.
3.       Curiosity: If you really want to grow in your life, learn to be as curious as child. Children know how to wonder – that’s why they are so loving. Cultivate curiosity and life becomes an unending study of joy.

4.     Excitement and passion: Excitement and passion can add juice to anything. Passion can turn any challenge into a tremendous opportunity. Passion is unbridled power to move our lives forward at a faster tempo than ever before. Man is only truly great when he acts from his passions.

5.       Determination: To create lasting value in this world and to deal with upsets and challenges, you need to have a strong determination. Determination means the difference between being stuck and bring struck with the lightening power of commitment. With determination you can accomplish anything. Without it, you are doomed to frustration and disappointment. Our willingness to do whatever it takes, to act in spite of fear, is the basis of courage and remember courage is the foundation from which determination is born.

6.       Flexibility: Choosing to be flexible is choosing to be happy. Throughout your life there will be times when there will be things you will not be able to control. In these situation, your ability to keep yourself flexible in your way of working will determine your long-term success or failure.

7.   Confidence: The only way you can consistently experience confidence, even in environment and situations you have never encountered previously is through the power of faith. Whether you have confidence or not is nothing to do with what is happening outside of you, it is determined by what is going on inside of you. It will be your confidence that will keep you going when your ideas are rejected, you got to be your own best friend, you got to learn to love yourself.

8.    Cheerfulness: Cheerfulness enhances your self-esteem, makes life more fun, and makes people around you feel happier as well. Cheerfulness has the power to eliminate the feelings of fear, hurt, anger, frustration, disappointment, depression, guilt and inadequacy of life.

9.       Vitality: If you do not take care of your physical body, it’s more difficult to be able to enjoy these emotions. Make sure that physical vitality is available, remember that all emotions are directed through your body. Realize that sense of vitality is a critical emotion to cultivate in order to handle virtually any emotions that come up in your life.

10.   Contribution: The secret of living is giving. There is no richer emotion in life than the sense that who you are as a person, something you have said or done had added to more than just your own life, that somehow it has enhanced the life’s experience for someone you care about or someone you don’t even know. Each day we should cultivate that sense of contribution by focusing not only on ourselves, but on others as well.

Plant the above emotions daily and watch how your attitude changes in all situation resulting in your whole life growing with a vitality that you have never dreamed of before.  Believe and succeed.

Source: Mind Games by Bob Proctor and Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

Picture Sources : From Robin Sharma and others

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