Saturday, December 27, 2014
Self Discipline
Leading a successful life: Self Discipline: No personal success, achievement, or goal, can be realized without self-discipline. It is singularly the most important attribute needed t...
Self Discipline
No personal success, achievement, or goal, can be realized
without self-discipline. It is singularly the most important attribute
needed to achieve any type of personal and professional
excellence. Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action
regardless of your emotional state.
Imagine what you could accomplish if you could simply get yourself to
follow through on your best intentions no matter what. The pinnacle of
self-discipline is when you reach the point that when you make a conscious
decision, it’s virtually guaranteed you will follow through on it.
Self-discipline is one of many personal development tools available to each
one of us. The problems which self-discipline can solve are important, and
while there are other ways to solve these problems, self-discipline absolutely
shreds the problem. Self-discipline can empower you to overcome any addiction
or lose any amount of weight. It can wipe out procrastination, disorder, and
ignorance. Within the domain of problems it can solve, self-discipline is
simply unmatched. Moreover, it becomes a powerful teammate when combined with
other tools like passion, goal-setting, and planning.
What is Self-discipline?
It is the ability to control one's impulses, emotions, desires and
behavior. It is being able to turn down immediate pleasure and instant
gratification in favor of gaining the long-term satisfaction and fulfillment
from achieving higher and more meaningful goals.
To possess it is to be able to make the decisions and take the
actions, and execute your game plan regardless of the obstacles, discomfort, or
difficulties that may come your way.
Certainly, being disciplined does not mean living a limiting or a
restrictive lifestyle. Nor, does it mean giving up everything you enjoy, or, to
relinquish fun and relaxation. It does mean learning how to focus your mind and
energies on your goals and persevere until they are accomplished. It also
means cultivating a mindset whereby you are ruled by your deliberate choices
rather than by your emotions, bad habits, or the sway of others.
Self-discipline allows you to reach your goals in a reasonable time frame and
to live a more orderly and satisfying life.
Celebrities have never been more visible in our culture. Famous
sportspeople, wonderful actors, and musicians are all over the media. While
they are naturally talented, but what we don't see are the thousands
of hours of super-focused work these people have put in behind the scenes.
Sure, there is such a thing as natural talent but:
talent counts for little unless it's supercharged by self-discipline.
can, to some extent, overcome lack of natural talent.
Exercising self-discipline can make the difference between an averagely
talented person doing something amazing with their lives and a naturally
talented person realizing very little of their potential. It's easy to feel
that success comes easily; that it's just a question of self-belief. But anyone
who has achieved anything has done so because they've been able to control and
direct their own inner lives and actions to the extent that has enabled them to
become super-able at what they do.
Life isn't some waiting room in which to 'kill time' with repetitive
self-amusements. Self-discipline, like a muscle, can be developed. If we were
raised in a disciplined environment, we may find it easier to be
self-disciplined, but we can all develop more.
How to develop Self Discipline?
Start with small steps: No
process takes place overnight. Just as it takes time to build muscle, so does
self-discipline. The more you train and build it, the stronger you become. In
exercise, if you try to do too much at once, you could injure yourself and have
a setback. Likewise, take it one step at a time in building self-discipline.
So, begin by making the decision to go forward and learning what it takes to
get there. Learning self-discipline in the little things of life prepares
the way for big successes. On the other hand, those who are undisciplined in
small matters will likely be undisciplined in more important issues. Small
daily steps over time leads to giant successes.
Get yourself organized: Make
a schedule, however detailed or general you are comfortable with, and stick to
it. Have a to-do list of things you need to accomplish. Using a daily planning
book or a personal information manager program on your computer or your smart
phone would be helpful. But get organized, even if all you do is jot down
appointments and to-do items on a piece of scrap paper. The simple reality is
that if you don't control your time, everything (and everyone) else will.
Learn what motivates you and what pulls you down: You can begin by learning about yourself!
Sometimes it is very difficult to fight off urges and cravings, so know the
areas where your resistance is low and how to avoid those situations. If
you know you cannot resist cake, fries, or other temptations - stay away from
them. Do not have them around to lure you in moments of weakness. If
you also know that putting pressure on yourself does not work for you, then set
yourself up in an environment that encourages the building of self-discipline
rather than one that sabotages it. Remove the temptations and surround yourself
with soothing and encouraging items such as motivating slogans and pictures of
what you want to achieve.
Learn also what energizes and motivates you. Your willpower can
go up and down with your energy levels so play energetic music to perk you up,
move around, laugh, go for a walk in the nature. Train yourself to enjoy what
you are doing by being energized. This will make it easier to implement
desirable and appropriate behaviors into your routine - which is really what
self-discipline is all about.
Make certain behaviors a routine: Once you have decided what is important to you and which goals
to strive for, establish a daily routine that will help you achieve them. For
example, if you want to eat healthily or lose weight; resolve to eat several
servings of fruits and vegetables each day and exercise for at least half an
hour. Make it part of your daily routine and part of your self-discipline
building. Likewise, get rid of some of your bad, self-defeating habits,
whatever they may be. They can put you in a negative frame of mind and hinder
your self-discipline. A poor attitude can also be a bad habit. If
you start something, finish it. Therein lies an important key to developing self-discipline.
When you have free time, do
things that are productive instead of merely entertaining. Read a good book,
listen to music, take a walk, or have conversation with someone. In other
words, learn to entertain yourself with things that are challenging, stimulating,
and creative. Things that are of no value except to entertain you make a very
small contribution to your well-being.
Practice self-denial: Learn
to say no to some of your feelings, impulses and urges. Train yourself to do
what you know to be right, even if you do not feel like doing it. Skip dessert
some evenings. Limit your TV watching. Resist the urge to yell at someone who
has irritated you. Stop and think before you act. Think about consequences.
When you practice self-restraint it helps you develop the habit of keeping
other things under control. Be honest with yourself. Honesty can be hard
to take. Harder, in fact, than actually doing the thing you're trying to avoid.
Stop mistaking excuses for credible reasons.
Remember the words of Abraham J. Heschel:“ Self-respect is the fruit of
discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself”
Other people can exert an immensely negative effect, if we let them. Don't
let them. Don't let words or even negative facial expressions deter you. Seek
the advice of experts by all means and learn from the best, but never accept
negativity from people who haven't themselves achieved what it is you are set
upon achieving. If people say what you plan is not possible or sneer at
your efforts, don't be deterred by this; rather, use it to fire your energy and
strength. Proving others wrong is a greatly underrated pleasure.
Engage in sports or physical activities: Sports are an excellent way to enhance self- discipline. They
train you to set goals, focus your mental and emotional energies, become
physically fit, and to get along well with others. Participating in
sports provides a situation where you learn to work hard and strive to do your
best, which in turn, teaches you to integrate the same the thought processes
and disciplines into your everyday life. Similarly running is also an excellent
way to enhance self-discipline. It trains your body and makes you physically
fit and build endurance.
Learning to play a musical instrument can be another great way to practice
self-discipline. The focus, repetition, and application required in learning to
play an instrument is invaluable. Achieving self-discipline in any one area of
your life reprograms your mind to choose what is right, rather than what is
Get inspiration from those you admire: Sachin Tendulkar has always maintained that his greatness as
a cricket player came as much from his willingness to work hard at
his craft, as it did his talent. It was his desire through discipline and focus
that made him one of the world’s greatest cricket player ever. If it worked for
him, it could certainly work for the rest of us.
Visualize the rewards: There
is nothing more gratifying than accomplishing your goals. Practice the
technique that high achievers and top performers do. Project yourself in the
future. Visualize your desired goal. Feel how rewarding it is and the
countless benefits you will enjoy. Remind yourself what it takes to get
If we are to be masters of our own destiny, we must develop self-discipline
and self-control. By focusing on long-term benefits instead of short-term
discomfort, we can encourage ourselves to develop of self-discipline. Ultimately
our health and happiness depend on it. Self-discipline is the fuel that
gets you places. The happy by-products of discipline are success, self-respect,
and improved physical and mental health.
Sources : Learnings from Robin Sharma, Darren Hardy, Brahmarishi Shri
Guruvanand ji Swamy, Grant Cardone
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Values guides our every decision
and, therefore, our destiny. Successful people know their values and live by
them. If we want the deepest level of life fulfillment, we can achieve it in
only one way, and that is by deciding upon what we value most in life, what our
highest values are and then committing to live by them every single day.
Unfortunately this action is far too rare in today's world. Too often people
have no clear idea of what's important to them. If you and I are not clear
about what's most important in our lives or what we really stand for, then how
can we ever expect to lay the foundation for a sense of self-esteem and have
the capacity to make effective decisions? When you know what's most important
to you, making a decision becomes quite simple and easy.
We need to realize that the direction of our lives is controlled by the magnetic pull of our values. They are the force in front of us, consistently leading us to make decisions that create the direction and ultimate destinations of our lives.
In our personal
and professional lives, we must be clear about what is most important in our
lives and decide that we will live by these values, no matter what
happens. This consistency must occur regardless of whether the environment
rewards us for living by our standards or not. We must live by our principles
even when it "rains" even if no one gives us the support we need. The
only way for us to have long term happiness is to live by our highest ideals,
to consistently act in accordance with what we believe our life is truly about.
Many people know
what they want to have, but have no idea of who they want to be. Getting
"things" simply will not fulfill you. Only living and doing what you
believe is the "right thing" will give you that sense of inner
strength that we all deserve.
To value
something means to place importance upon it: anything that you hold dear can be
called a 'value'. Those things that are most important to you in life are
referred to as life values. Life values are of two types: ends and means. So if
someone were to ask you, what do you value most? You might answer "love,
family, money etc." Of these love is the end value you are pursuing, in
other words, the emotional state you desire. Conversely, family and money are
merely means values.
The challenge in
life is that most people are not clear on the difference between means and ends
values and therefore, they experience a lot of pain. So often people are too
busy pursuing means values that they don't achieve their true desire: their end
values. The end values are those that will fulfill you, make your life rich and
rewarding. Here is an example which would clearly demonstrate what is meant by
means and ends values. Let’s say a man’s highest value are caring and
contribution, and he chooses to become a lawyer because he once met a lawyer
who really impressed him as being able to make a difference and help people
through his work. As time goes by, he gets caught up in the whirlwind of
practicing law and aspires to become a partner in a firm. As he pursues this
position, his work takes on an entirely different focus. He begins to dominate
and becomes one of the most successful man you know, yet he feels unhappy
because he has no longer any contacts with the clients. His position has
created a different relationship with his peers and he spends all her time in
meetings ironing out protocol and procedure. He achieved his goal but missed
out on life’s desire. In order to be truly happy, we must know the difference,
and be sure to pursue the end itself.
While it is absolutely true that
everyone are constantly motivated to move towards pleasurable emotional states,
it is also true that we value some emotions more than others. For example, what
are the emotional states that you value most in life? What are the emotions
that will give you the most pleasure? Love or Success? Freedom or Intimacy? Adventure
or Security? These are pleasurable states that we value most because these are
the emotional states we will do the most to attain. What are some of the
feelings that are most important for you to experience in your life on a
consistent basis? It is certainly true that we probably value all these
emotions, and that they are all important for us to feel. However it would be
fair to say that we don’t value all of them equally. There are some emotional
states that we will do more to achieve than others. Actually, we all have a
hierarchy of values.
Remember, whatever your values
are, they affect the direction of your life. We have all learned through our
life’s experience that certain emotions give us more pleasure than others.
Knowing your own values helps you to get more clarity as to why you do what you
do and how you can live more consistently, but knowing the values of others is also
equally important. It might be valuable to know the values of someone you are
in relationship with, or somebody you are in business with. Knowing a person’s
value give you a fix on their thought process and allows you to have insight
into their decision making. Further knowing your own hierarchy is also equally
critical because your top values are those that are going to bring you the most
happiness. If you do not know your own hierarchy, you will experience what
seems like an inexplicable feelings of unhappiness and emptiness.
Just as there are emotions we
desire to experience because they are pleasurable and that is why we are always
moving towards them, we also have a list of emotions that we will do almost
anything to move away from. We must remember that any time we make a decision
about what to do, our brain first evaluates whether that action can possible
lead to either pleasurable or painful states. Our brain is constantly juggling,
or weighing our alternatives to see what the impact may be, based upon our own
value hierarchy. The relative levels of pain or pleasure we associate with
certain emotions will affect all of our decisions.
Life always has a way of testing
our commitment to our values. Give yourself the gift of taking hold of this
force that shapes your destiny. Spend some time to understand your values and
hierarchy of values so that you are able to link up with your priorities in
life and build a great system of values that gives you magnificent direction in
life along-with happiness and fulfillment in living by them.
To sum it up, would share the following
lines from John Wooden: “Be more concerned with your character than your
reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation
is merely what others think you are.”
Source : Learning from Robin Sharma and Tony Robbins
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Energy is one of the important
ingredients for success. Energy can be both positive and negative, for being
successful it is essential that you always be full of positive energy and same
should be exploding out of you. You should always keep yourself surrounded by
people with positive vibes. Both these types are nothing but a state of mind.
Positive energy empowers you to perform at world class level, while negative
energy is always instrumental in pulling you down in other direction and taking
you off-track. Once you start allowing negative energy to make inroads into
your mind and soul it requires immeasurable efforts to come out and get
yourself to positive frame of mind. It is said that to overcome one influence of negativity
you need to make hundred times more effort to convert your state of mind
towards positive frame. In next few paragraphs I will be sharing some thoughts on
how to keep your energy levels explosive and full of positive vibes. Energy levels
influences each action you take day in and day out. Without high level of
energy opportunities would remain untapped.
Ideas remain untapped and
unrealized. All
successful people have high level of energy, high levels of energy allows them
to wake up early in the morning without feeling exhausted; allows them to be on
their own; allows them to work hard; allows them to play at their best, allows
them to have fun and enjoy life and see it as a rich adventure. High level of
energy also allows them to handle adversity and keep them optimistic and stay
positive at all times.
See the lives of all great
people, be it Sir Richard Branson, Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Edison, Mother
Teresa, Benjamin Franklin, to name a few, these great people have demonstrated
that you cannot be a leader if you do not have high level of energy.
Do not drag yourself out of the
bed rather wake up with high energy. Do not keep dreaming rather build dreams
which are so big that keeps you awake with high level of energy in pursuit of
your dreams. Few inputs on how to create energy explosion in your life:
1. Clarity and World Class Planning: Clarity precedes success. When you have meaningful goals and a clear direction in your life, that will not only promote greater sense of hopefulness but you will feel more energized. Great Goals brings energy to your life. Setting goals boosts your energy. It gives a reason to get out of bed every day. The secret of passion is purpose. The cause has to be higher than self. As the saying goes time and tide waits for none. Time slips through our fingers as grains of sand, never to return again.
When you set goals for every part of your life, you will feel energized as better clarity leads to better decision and better results. Writing things down on a piece of paper clarifies fuzzy thinking and gives better awareness and better clarity and better awareness and clarity leads to better choices and better choices leads to better results. What is not measured is never improved. Getting clarity over the philosophy of your life and what your life would stand for and breaking down that philosophy into specific and measurable goals for each core area of your life will connect you to the giant source of energy, passion as well as the focus that resides within you. Clarity and world class planning is the key ingredients for success.
2. Get up early and work on yourself: When you get up early on a consistent basis you will find yourself with more energy rather than less energy. Your conscience watches everything you do. Getting up early helps create better self-esteem and self-discipline. People who feel good have high level of energy. Win the battle with the bed, mind over mattress. Getting up early is the primary win for yourself, this is the first victory of your first goal. If you are serious in working on yourself, follow the following tips:
a) Do not eat after 7.00-7.30 pm;
b) Do not watch the news or spend time on your mobile or your tab before you go off to sleep, remember it’s not the quantity of sleep that is important, it’s the quality of sleep that matters. Before going to sleep, spend moments in silence, do some thoughtless breathing, think of positive things, results of this would be a better and sound sleep and you wake up next day with abundant energy;
c) Sleep early by 10pm/11pm. You cannot burn the candle on both ends. Human being are remarkable to adopt, create your new normal. Take 60 minutes for yourself every day, read some inspirational book, journaling and record your learning from previous day, meditate and spend time on spirituality, be in the moment and enjoy the journey of life. You can also use affirmative success statements like "every day and in every way I am getting better and better healthier and healthier" or "I am joyfully living in the moment and am being at my best", Spending time with nature is another wonderful way to energize, visualize and work on your attitude. Focus on the good things in life, will keep you positive, work on your personal philosophy.
Give yourself some time to settle to this schedule, research has suggested it takes 66 days to form a habit, be persistent with it and you can do it.
Consistent exercise and high performance diet: Exercise boosts energy. When you are in world class physical
condition you can get to your goals and missions in life as you are full of
energy. The price of discipline is much less than the pain of regret.
You can plan for your exercise to cover the three aspects of cardio, weights and stretching. Exercise makes you happy and boosts energy. Exercise has to be vigorous. When you are strong physically you are strong internally. In a relaxed body remains a relaxed mind.
A high performance diet is a critical success factor for getting a high level of energy. When the diet is impeccable, you have boundless energy. There is such a link between what you eat and how you feel. If you eat a big meal, you are going to get exhausted and your creativity diminishes, high energy falls apart mental clarity and thus impacting you professionally, personally and your inner life. Successful people always maintains the following in their diet:
a. Drinks a lot of water, water hydrates your brain;
b. Drinks fresh fruit juices;
c. Portion control -eat less food, will allow more energy for you;
d. Don't eat after 7.00 -7.30 pm, if you eat late at night all night your food is being digested, you will wake up feeling exhausted and the results of the following day will be much less than what you desired and planned.
Personal regeneration and renewal: We live in a
world where most people go full out in their work. Too many people takes
vacations as a waste of time or unproductive time. There is a parallel which is
so very true, if you were to run your car at full speed for next seven
days, what is going to happen to that car, it’s going to break down, it’s going
to wear out and it’s not going to perform at its best. High performers in the
playing field of life understand that metaphor and they run their life in
cycles, they balance perfectly well between playing their best game in
professional or work life and personal regeneration/renewal. High performers
balance is being ”on game" I.e. playing full out and being at your
best with periods of recovery. There is a misperception around 'stress', there
is nothing wrong with stress, stress makes you play your best game, it marshals
your best resources, the real problem is most people do not take time out to
recover from stress, they are always working, they are always rushing,
their minds are always in million places at a single time, we do need recovery
time, as shared in the car metaphor, if you don't take time to recover, you will
break down, you will get tired, you will get to a place where you will be
unproductive and you are frustrated. Build time for recovery and renewal, time
to relax, time to regenerate, time to bring back the balance, when you
take time for personal recovery, you will actually become more productive with
explosive energy levels, and you can do far more in less time.
Adventure and Fun in life: Human brain
craves novelty, most of us cling to the safe harbor of the known, we try to do
the same thing with same people day in and day out and resist any change. We
think that our life would be happy, safe and secured without realizing that
this is a recipe for disaster. That’s the most insecure place to be in. We
are happiest when we are adventurous, we are not happy when we are at the safe
harbor of the known, we are happiest when we are trying new things, meeting new
people and pushing our personal frontiers. The greatest risk you can ever take
in life is not taking any risk. To have world class energy you need to
institutionalize adventure and fun into your life by building a system around
it. Plan one day every week as a Play day for adventure and fun.
Get back to being a kid, connect with the child that resides within each and every one of us, that's a great way to release the world class level of energy lived within you. Say no to negative energy and influences, embrace positive thoughts as a way of life, weed out all negative influences and people around you. If you apply the above thoughts into your life, I am sure of your meeting success in whatever you do. Energy is the most important and powerful ingredients for success.
As the saying goes, “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others who succeed make it happen!”
Sources: Learnings from Robin Sharma and discourses by Pt. Vijay Shankar Ji Mehta
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Action is a very positive power principle.
In general terms, action is nothing but the process of doing an act. Action is an
expression of an impression. Action is placing in your mind the thoughts you
want it to work on. Then letting them repeat, amplify and grow until you soak
them up completely and they push you towards the goals you define for yourself.
There is a difference between action and
doing, action is a power word. The action step in the creative step is
expression of an impression. Before you can do something you be something. Doing
is the expression of something which has already taken place mentally. The
action step become automatic when you prepare yourself mentally. Action is the
expression of an impression.
When you call for action make it massive action
as such actions are not something other people are always involved in. Faith
without action is useless. The action comes from you which causes a reaction
and, the reaction comes from the universe. The action meeting the reaction
alters your conditions, circumstances and environment which produces your
result, your creation. Get your thinking right, if it’s on the wrong track fix
it, if you don't fix your children will inherit.
We all have tools for achieving greatness.
All great people have come from varied background, there is one factor
which remains constant, the creative process which produces results in their
life. Their results were preceded by an action, a massive action which was
automatic. It was the expression of the thoughts and ideas which had been
impressed upon their emotional mind over a period of time. They became what
they thought about. The thoughts always propels action. The bottom line is
obvious when you become quiet and think, every moment you are engaged in is an
action. Action is something you are already involved in. The trick is to
control the action to create the type of massive action which causes us to find
our goldmine.
The better you will feel about yourself,
the more confident you will become, the more confident you become the easier it
will be for you to move into the action on great big explosive ideas and solve
the problem that come with it. When we feel confident about ourselves we know
we can solve the problems or at least put them into perspective and remind
ourselves of our abilities when things are going well.
Ideas are
like slippery fish, if you don't write them with a pencil, they will evaporate
and you will never get it back. Action comes when the idea is ready and not
when the clock dictates. If a person will move confidently in the direction of
their dream in an endeavor to live the life they have imagined they will meet
the success unexpected in common hours. So don't worry about what might happen
when you are exploring action on your big ideas, whatever happens will be
what must happen for your idea to move into the fore.
We must
remember that there are no short cuts. The more actions you take the better are
your chances of getting a break. Disciplined, consistent and persistent actions
are more of a determinant factor in creation of success than any other
combination of thing. Most people fail only because they are operating at wrong
degree of actions. The actions can be categories into four simple
categories/degree of actions:
1. Doing
nothing: Doing nothing is no longer taking actions to move yourself forward in
order to learn, achieve or control some area. Do not assume “nothing” requires
no energy, no effort or no work. Regardless of which degree of action you
operate in, they all require work in their own way. People in this group will find
themselves spending their time and energy justifying the situations. They are
actually spending energy and they are not doing anything, they are actually spending
energy justifying why they are not doing anything, which requires as much work
as all the other action. It takes work to lose a job because of lack of
production. It is work which is evaluated for promotion, and have to wait
another year to be considered and to explain the same to people around you. It
takes tremendous effort to exist in this planet to stay as under-appreciated
and under paid person. The person who is not taking action, has to make excuses
for his or her condition, this requires tremendous creativity and effort. Those
who do nothing in one area of life will find time in something they love to do where
they would spend lot of energy and effort and would take massive action and activity,
on activities like playing a game on the mobile, using social media etc. People
who do nothing in their careers, relationships or whatever they want have given
up on their dreams and are willing to accept pretty much whatever comes their
2. Retread:
Retreaters are those who take actions in the reverse, probably in order to
avoid negative experiences that they imagine will come as a result of actually
taking action. The retreaters personifies the fear of success phenomenon. Like
the do nothings, the retreaters justifies the responses and believe it is in
their best interest to live at their current retreat level. Retreaters claims
to be doing so in order to avoid more rejections or failures. It is almost
never the actual rejection or failure that has impacted them but something
else. More often than not it is their impression and evaluation of what failing
and rejection mean that is causing them to justify the retreat. Like doing
nothing, retreading is an action that requires energy, effort and hard work.
Usually retreading only comes about as a result of being told to do so over and
over again, many of us has been instructed during childhood, don’t touch that,
be careful, don’t talk to him, get away from that, so on and on and then start
to adopt retreat as a survival activity. We tend to be pulled away from the very
things about which we are most curious in life. Although it is often for our
own good and supposedly keeps us safe it can be difficult from years of being
educated like this of holding back which might be why it is so difficult for
many of us to try new things later in life. We might even be encouraged to
retreat by our friend, work associates or a family member who believes we are
being too ambitious, or too focus or too dedicated in some area of life. Any
realm in which you have assumed you can no longer advance or improve and are
now deciding nothing you can do except retreat, would be considered of area of
retreat. Those who retreat will spend a life time justifying why they are
retreating. They have typically convinced completely that they are merely doing
what they must do in order to survive.
3. Normal
level of actions: People who take normal levels of action are most prevalent in
our society. This is the group who appears on the surface to be taking the
necessary amounts of action at its normal level. This is actually the most
dangerous of activities because it is considered acceptable. People in this
group spend their life taking enough actions, only enough action to appear
average and create average life, average career etc., however they never do
quite enough to create the level of success that they can maintain for their
survival. Unfortunately majority of work force takes a normal degrees of
action. The goal here is average, average in every activity, as long as average
works they are good to go, they are fine. When you have been taking only normal
levels of action and when you been making only normal investments in your
future, you become more susceptible to the challenges that are certain to come
your way. Average by definition assumes less than extra-ordinary. It is truly to
some degree or another just an alternative description of retread and no
action. Average level is actually a retreat from what you are capable of. Someone
who takes average action but is capable of much more is really electing to do
some variation of nothing or retreading. Be honest with yourself, if you have
more energy and creativity available than what you are using, then do not stick
to average. Imagine that the product or services you are so often tempted to
purchase used average in the advertising, who will buy such product. Taking
normal action is the most dangerous of all levels.
4. Massive
Action: Massive action is the most natural state of action for all of us.
Children are in constant action, massive level of activity, except when
something is wrong they are taking action. Look inside of an ant hill or in the
bee hive you see constant, massive, unlimited amount of massive action being
generated by living being in order to ensure their survival into the future. There
is nobody asking them to back-off, they have attitude to go for it and take massive
action and they always find their way. Massive action is when you create new
level of problems, until you create new level of problem you are not taking
massive action. When you are taking massive action, you are not thinking in
terms of hours or effort, your mindset shifts and so will the result. You will
end up instigating opportunities to make things happen and routine things
become the things of the past. Successful people knows first-hand what it takes
to achieve that kind of success. Successful do not see excessive levels of
action as a problem but unsuccessful people do see it as a problem. The
successful people will never identify massive action as undesirable in any way.
Taking massive action means making somewhat unreasonable choices. People in the
first three degrees of action, will be threatened by your activity level and
will often make it seem what you are doing as wrong in order to make themselves
happy. You will realize that you have stepped into the realm of massive action
when a) you create new problem for yourself; b) when you start receiving
criticism and warnings and supposed help from others. You need to stay strong
and continue in the path of massive action you are treading on. Massive action
cannot hurt you, it will always help you. This is also one place where quantity
is more important than quality. In order to stand out of the crowd, the
average, the masses you must take massive action. Making massive action a
discipline will break you through obscurity. Massive action will increase your
value to the market place and it will help, ensure and guarantee you to generate
success in any area of life where you would like to operate with massive
Everyone utilizes all four degrees of action
at some time in their life especially in response to different areas of life. Different
people take different degree of actions based on the circumstances and
situation. One might be taking massive action in some area while retread in
another area in his life. A person is going to excel and do best in those areas
in which he or she invests the most attention and takes the most action. Unfortunately
most people spend their time in first three degrees of action. The first two
degrees of action i.e. do nothing and retread are the recipe for failure and
the third degree of action i.e. normal level of action will only create a
normal existence at best. Taking normal levels of action is the killer of the
four, it deludes you in believe that you are doing something when only what you
are doing is normal and will never get you to extra ordinary. Successful people
take massive actions which would lead to a path of success.
Once a person sees the four degrees of
action for the first time, he realizes that each of the four require energy, he
or she may wake up to make other healthier choices. If you are going to use
energy either ways then why not utilize it in the direction of success.
Source: Learning from Mind Games by Bob Proctor and 10x Rules by Grant Cardone
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance is something which would be bothering many of us with the blurring of lines between our work lives and our personal lives. The reasons for this imbalance is due to fast paced changes in the demands of business in the world where we live in during the past few years. Globalization is provoking increased competition, there is cost containment and downsizing which means work needs to be done by fewer people and also the technological advancement is making it so easy for people to be available 24x7 whenever wherever without any boundaries. Everybody is busier than ever and there is too much to do in too little time. Customers, employers’ expectations are higher than ever and it is not always possible to keep up with all the expectations of various stake holders.
Robin Sharma has defined work
life balance as a fluid balance between performance and pleasure. To get to
world class in work life balance is managing performance on one hand with
pleasure on the other hand. This he calls as platinum equation. Work-life
balance is subjective and hence cannot be defined objectively. It is fluid
because it is ever changing and varies from person to person. What is a balance
for one person may not be same with you. It is something which each one of us
has to work on each single day. It is a daily challenge, the real thing is to
be aware of how to get to a better balance. The key is to have a balance of performance
to pleasure.
A metaphor can be used to explain
the platinum equation. Platinum equation is something akin to climbing a
mountain and being able to strike that dynamic balance between keeping your
eyes on the mountain top and still enjoying the climb. The mountain top in the metaphor
are the “to do’s” and “your goals” those giant objective you want to get to, to
live your dreams. And “the climb” in the metaphor is all about the journey of
life, living in the moment and experiencing the pleasure so that you not only realized
your human potential and played your best game and showed genuine leadership
but you also had an amazing time doing it.
Performance balance with pleasure
will take one to greatness and that’s going to give a work life balance. This
balance is an ideal, it’s not easy and it’s a daily challenge, every day one
will have to balance performance with pleasure and sometimes getting a little
too far on performance side and on other day spending little more time on
enjoyment and pleasure side, but with awareness and with the discipline to make
those course corrections or those self -corrections one need to bring oneself
back into a better balance.
There are lots of benefits of
arriving at work life balance, some of them are given below:
- You will be more effective rather than being busy just for the sake of being busy as there is no point in being so busy climbing a mountain that when you get to the top you realize that you climbed a wrong mountain.
- You are going to be happier, you are going to have a better health and more energy in what you do. Energy is contagious, when you are a positive source of energy your team mates, your family, your friends will feel it.
- You will experience a greater sense of control, you will not have that out of control feeling all the time.
- You will have a great time with your family and friends and will take time to do the things that makes you happy.
- You will have a richer relationship at work and at home.
- You will have superior connection with life and a feeling that you are in the game of life rather than falling into the trap so many people have fallen into and living by accident, being reactive rather than being proactive.
Given below are few ideas which would be helpful in building a world class life:
- Devote yourself to daily self-care: This can be better explained with the metaphor of oxygen mask on an airplane. Essentially when you get on to the airplane, the first thing you hear from the flight attendant is “in the event of an emergency oxygen mask will come down from the ceiling, put the oxygen mask on your mouth before you try to help anyone else even your children.” The point of wisdom is pretty clear in this announcement, if you can’t breathe you cannot help anyone else. If you do not have any oxygen you will not be of service to anyone around you.A parallel to this can also be drawn from the fact that we all use mobile phones and we all charge the mobile phone battery daily for it to work for the day, similarly for human body to work at its best it is essential to charge your body every day. Taking care for yourself is a selfless act. Taking care of yourself allow you to be more for others. Too many people needs a crisis in their life for them to wake up to what is truly important and begin to care for themselves and focus on their inner work. Few tips for daily self-care can be, getting up early and take sixty minutes for yourself every morning, during that time work on connecting with the person you truly are, work on your character, think about your fears, think about your weaknesses.Write a journal, this will allow you to spot a pattern, it allows you to build awareness. After you continue the journal for a little while, you will start spotting pattern and you will start seeing the consequences of your actions. It allows you to put down the lessons you learn from life. Journal helps release negative feeling in a healthy way. Journaling helps in searching your beliefs. We treat the people we love the most in the worst ways.Get to a world class fitness level. Nothing is more important than health, it is more important than your family, because If you do not have good health, you cannot be there for your family, cannot celebrate with your family. Often we take our health for granted until we lose it. When we are young we would sacrifice our health for wealth and yet when we get old and figure out what life is truly all about, we would sacrifice every penny of our wealth for one good day health. To commit yourself for self-care take care of your health. When you are in really a good physical condition life is lot more fun, lot happier.
- Enrich your human connections: So many people in business spend most of their waking hours in building their careers and becoming successful so that they can get to a point where they can have fun, pleasure and enjoyment with people they love but the tragedy is once they get there the people they love are no longer there with them. There is no point of being really successful but all alone, without family and friends alongside of you as you journey to the mountain top. Love and belonging is essential to realize your best on the pleasure side. We need to connect with human-beings to develop ourselves as human being and realize our potential. Building relationship and feeling a sense of belonging and a sense of community, a sense of love our thinking and our very perception of reality can be altered. Most of us are out of balance on the pleasure side of the equation and big piece on your pleasure side is enriching your human connections especially with your family.
- Get brilliant at life planning: Failing to plan is planning to fail. Nothing will so focus your mind than a clear plan. Every one of us in the planet today could do extra ordinary things with their life if they had clear plan and then took focused and consistent action to execute nearly flawlessly around that plan. Most people have no idea about the fullness of their human potential and the real challenge most of us face in this wired and uncertain world that we find ourselves in is that we are trying to be all things to all people and as a result we end up being nothing for anyone. It seems so obvious yet most people do not plan for what they want to create. They are very good at being busy but they are not aware that they are busy climbing the wrong mountain. A plan relieves you of the torment of choice and a plan also gives clarity.
- Practice gratitude and celebrate more: It is very common to postpone living, it is very common to say that when I retire I will celebrate more, travel, give more and enjoy my life. It is essential to celebrate while you climb to the mountain top. Go out and play out your best but enjoy your journey, celebrate the little things while you reach your bigger goals. Practice gratitude, keep a blessing list, write down all things that you are grateful for. Our lives becomes what we think of because our action determines our destiny. Focus on good things, good things will happen because good things would drive actions which would give good results and you should celebrate and pay gratitude. Always be thankful for everything and say 'thank you' a lot.
- Make the time for fun and adventure: See the life as lot of fun and adventure. What is the point of achieving great things and realising your mission if you have not enjoyed it along the way and not had fun along the way. You need to take time to laugh with team mates, go out with family for a funny movie, life is not more than a one giant adventure, you are meant to experience good seasons as well as challenging seasons. Life is meant to be lived fully. Life is like a river, as you go down the river you would bump against the two banks, on one side would be the bank of joy and on the other side is the bank of sorrow, every single one of us will reach both the banks from time to time, the real key is not to be stuck on either bank for too long. See life as an adventure, the person who experiences the most wins. Collapse the timeline by experiencing more.Build micro-adventures in your schedule, try different food, go to see a foreign film, go to see a senior citizen home and talk to them to understand life better, pull out some music you loved when you were growing up, this is essential as human brain craves novelty.
- Focus on impact and meaning: What is most important in life is not what we get from life, it is what we give to life. Ultimately what fills our heart with greatest happiness, joy, fulfillment and sustainable happiness is what we have given back to others and the contribution we have made to people around us. All great lives has been defined in so many ways with the impact they have made to the lives of the people. Living with a sense of purpose, making a difference each day, making a difference to the people with your presence, leading by example, being a world class human being and have an impact on the people around you.
Taking the above ideas, if you were to improve the way you show up to the pleasure side of the equation, only 1% improvement every day, in 60 days you will see 60% improvement in that area. Life you are living today is not necessarily the life you are going to be living in the future. If you keep on doing the same thing that you have always done, you are going to see the same results you have always experienced. But if you make changes, you can be living at a whole new level professionally and personally in a matter of time.
As Confucius said, “the journey of thousand mind begins with
a single step.” Better awareness, leads to better choices and when you make
better choices, you will see better results.
Source: Learning from Robin Sharma's audio sessions
Source: Learning from Robin Sharma's audio sessions
Saturday, November 22, 2014
You could currently be faced with
a thousand problems, many or most of which you have no control over, however
there is one thing where you have absolute control over, that is your own
attitude. Attitude is the most powerful word. Attitude is the magic word.
When you surrender control of
your attitude to what appears to be a negative situation you will then do only
thing you would be capable of doing. You will react to the situation and when
that happens you lose. On the other hand if you are to remain objective, you
will respond to the situation appropriately and that is always the winner’s
choice. The end result of these two different approaches are poles apart.
There are many things wrong in
this world, unfortunately that is all some people are able to see. These people
live dark, narrow lives, they are unhappy and have accomplished little which is
of any meaning throughout their lives. Their lives are one of lack and
limitation and it seems they continue to move from one bad experience to
another. Unfortunately their attitude is the cause of their problems. It is
unfortunate that they are generally not aware of the cause of their unwanted
lifestyle. They are losing at every turn on the road of life and they do not even
know why they are losing. Conversely there are those who are forever winning.
They are the real movers and shakers, the lucky ones. Lucky because good things
keep coming their way. They focus their attention on the beauty that surrounds
them wherever they go. Their life is exciting and adventurous. They go from one
major accomplishment to another. This group enjoys a wonderful family life and
they develop deep and meaningful relationship with others. They are in control
of their life. They know where they are going and they know that they will get
there. They are real winners in life and their wins are a matter of choice.
Winners knows that everything can
be better. Attitude is everything to the winner. Attitude can be defined, it
can be understood and can be controlled by anyone. Attitude is the composite of
your thoughts, your feelings and your actions. Attitude is actually a creative
cycle which begins with your choice of thoughts. You do choose your thoughts,
and that choice is where your attitude originates. Thought is energy and is
considered by many as the most potent form of energy in existence. As you
internalize your thoughts and get emotionally involved with your thoughts you set
up your stage in forming an attitude. You move your entire being, mind and body
into a new vibration. Your conscious awareness of this vibration is nothing but
feeling. Your feelings are then expressed in actions or behavior and this is
the final stage of forming an attitude which produces various results in your
life. Attitude and results are inseparable, they follow one other like the
night follows the day.
For you to make the progress you
are capable of making, you must understand the cause and effect relationship of
attitude to results. A person is what they think about all day long. A person’s
life is what their thoughts make of it. The results you achieve in life is
nothing more than an expression of your thoughts, feelings and actions.
Everything in life has two sides, positive and negative. We all decide to
choose to look at the positive or negative sides of any situation we come
across in life, however you need to understand that you are able to see only
one side at a time, the conscious mind is not able to think of two things at
once. Those who win are aware of the negative, however their conscious mind focuses
always on the positive. If they are not able to see positive, they keep looking
at it till they discover the same.
If you think in negative terms,
you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms, you will achieve
positive results. Taking control of your attitude and maintaining control of
your attitude is not necessarily an easy thing, however if you are able to do
it you are a definite winner.
If you are not in control of your
attitude but you want to get control of it, you can get it by reviewing your
results and the actions. List down everything that you think is wrong. One
thing is for sure that everything has an opposite, you cannot have a bad
without a good, up without a down or hot without a cold. You can take anything
on this list of what is wrong and find out what is good about it. You have to think
and look for the good side in every action. Our own attitude begins with our
own thinking and we must remember we do have a choice. We can consciously make
winners choice and respond to the situation or react to the situation. If we
react we lose, when we respond we winner.
The problem with most people who
continually lose because they are generally not making a conscious choice, they
are doing this unconsciously. It’s a habit, they have the habit of reacting to
life rather than responding. Having a poor or negative attitude is frequently a
part of the persons conditioned nature, it is habitual. The same is also true
for positive attitude.
Winner’s attitude is contagious.
A negative attitude is a dis-integrating force, a positive attitude is a
creative growth force. Love the negative person, if for no other reason but at
least for the opportunity they give you to practice developing a conscious
control over your attitude. Always remember, God never gives us a problem we
are not equipped to handle. There would be no mental growth if everything was
always rosy, there would be no need for it. Even the winner may go astray at
times, they may get knocked down and lose it, however they will not stay down.
Everybody makes mistake, no one is perfect. Perfection is what the winner
strives for, but has not yet reached. The winner is aware of the basic truth
that attitude is the foundation of all success. It is the power principle which
every winner has mastered. Turn it into a habit. The winner can go broke, they
may lose everything they have and may do so number of times, however they
refuse to lose control over their attitude and as a result they are back on top
in a short time.
Your attitude towards the world
and everything in it, will determine the world’s attitude towards you. By
maintaining control over the way you think, feel and act you causes good things
to happen in your life and you magnetize yourself to good. Those who have poor
attitude actually attracts actually negative situations into their life. These
people fervently believes that winners are lucky. That is the very reason why
most losers do not even try to win. They believe in luck and they are never
very excited for the luck they are having. To get luck on your side and to make
an evergreen attitude for yourself, you should focus on the following ten
attitude forming emotions:
1. Love
and warmth: the consistent expression of love seems to be able to melt almost
any negative emotion it comes in contact with. For example, if someone comes to
you in a state of hurt or anger and you consistently respond to them with love
and warmth, eventually their state will change and their intensity will melt
2. Appreciation
and gratitude: Appreciation and gratitude are two of the most spiritual
emotions, actively expressing thoughts and actions for all the gifts life has
given. Cultivating this emotion is cultivating life. Live with an attitude of
3. Curiosity:
If you really want to grow in your life, learn to be as curious as child.
Children know how to wonder – that’s why they are so loving. Cultivate
curiosity and life becomes an unending study of joy.
4. Excitement
and passion: Excitement and passion can add juice to anything. Passion can turn
any challenge into a tremendous opportunity. Passion is unbridled power to move
our lives forward at a faster tempo than ever before. Man is only truly great
when he acts from his passions.
5. Determination:
To create lasting value in this world and to deal with upsets and challenges,
you need to have a strong determination. Determination means the difference
between being stuck and bring struck with the lightening power of commitment. With
determination you can accomplish anything. Without it, you are doomed to
frustration and disappointment. Our willingness to do whatever it takes, to act
in spite of fear, is the basis of courage and remember courage is the foundation
from which determination is born.
6. Flexibility:
Choosing to be flexible is choosing to be happy. Throughout your life there
will be times when there will be things you will not be able to control. In
these situation, your ability to keep yourself flexible in your way of working
will determine your long-term success or failure.
7. Confidence:
The only way you can consistently experience confidence, even in environment
and situations you have never encountered previously is through the power of
faith. Whether you have confidence or not is nothing to do with what is
happening outside of you, it is determined by what is going on inside of you.
It will be your confidence that will keep you going when your ideas are
rejected, you got to be your own best friend, you got to learn to love
8. Cheerfulness:
Cheerfulness enhances your self-esteem, makes life more fun, and makes people
around you feel happier as well. Cheerfulness has the power to eliminate the
feelings of fear, hurt, anger, frustration, disappointment, depression, guilt
and inadequacy of life.
9. Vitality:
If you do not take care of your physical body, it’s more difficult to be able
to enjoy these emotions. Make sure that physical vitality is available,
remember that all emotions are directed through your body. Realize that sense
of vitality is a critical emotion to cultivate in order to handle virtually any
emotions that come up in your life.
10. Contribution:
The secret of living is giving. There is no richer emotion in life than the
sense that who you are as a person, something you have said or done had added
to more than just your own life, that somehow it has enhanced the life’s
experience for someone you care about or someone you don’t even know. Each day
we should cultivate that sense of contribution by focusing not only on
ourselves, but on others as well.
Plant the above emotions daily
and watch how your attitude changes in all situation resulting in your whole
life growing with a vitality that you have never dreamed of before. Believe and succeed.
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