Saturday, December 6, 2014


Action is a very positive power principle. In general terms, action is nothing but the process of doing an act. Action is an expression of an impression. Action is placing in your mind the thoughts you want it to work on. Then letting them repeat, amplify and grow until you soak them up completely and they push you towards the goals you define for yourself.

There is a difference between action and doing, action is a power word. The action step in the creative step is expression of an impression. Before you can do something you be something. Doing is the expression of something which has already taken place mentally. The action step become automatic when you prepare yourself mentally. Action is the expression of an impression.

When you call for action make it massive action as such actions are not something other people are always involved in. Faith without action is useless. The action comes from you which causes a reaction and, the reaction comes from the universe. The action meeting the reaction alters your conditions, circumstances and environment which produces your result, your creation. Get your thinking right, if it’s on the wrong track fix it, if you don't fix your children will inherit.

We all have tools for achieving greatness. All great people have come from varied background, there is one factor which remains constant, the creative process which produces results in their life. Their results were preceded by an action, a massive action which was automatic. It was the expression of the thoughts and ideas which had been impressed upon their emotional mind over a period of time. They became what they thought about. The thoughts always propels action. The bottom line is obvious when you become quiet and think, every moment you are engaged in is an action. Action is something you are already involved in. The trick is to control the action to create the type of massive action which causes us to find our goldmine.

The better you will feel about yourself, the more confident you will become, the more confident you become the easier it will be for you to move into the action on great big explosive ideas and solve the problem that come with it. When we feel confident about ourselves we know we can solve the problems or at least put them into perspective and remind ourselves of our abilities when things are going well.

Ideas are like slippery fish, if you don't write them with a pencil, they will evaporate and you will never get it back. Action comes when the idea is ready and not when the clock dictates. If a person will move confidently in the direction of their dream in an endeavor to live the life they have imagined they will meet the success unexpected in common hours. So don't worry about what might happen when you are exploring action on your big ideas, whatever happens will be what must happen for your idea to move into the fore.

We must remember that there are no short cuts. The more actions you take the better are your chances of getting a break. Disciplined, consistent and persistent actions are more of a determinant factor in creation of success than any other combination of thing. Most people fail only because they are operating at wrong degree of actions. The actions can be categories into four simple categories/degree of actions:

1.     Doing nothing: Doing nothing is no longer taking actions to move yourself forward in order to learn, achieve or control some area. Do not assume “nothing” requires no energy, no effort or no work. Regardless of which degree of action you operate in, they all require work in their own way. People in this group will find themselves spending their time and energy justifying the situations. They are actually spending energy and they are not doing anything, they are actually spending energy justifying why they are not doing anything, which requires as much work as all the other action. It takes work to lose a job because of lack of production. It is work which is evaluated for promotion, and have to wait another year to be considered and to explain the same to people around you. It takes tremendous effort to exist in this planet to stay as under-appreciated and under paid person. The person who is not taking action, has to make excuses for his or her condition, this requires tremendous creativity and effort. Those who do nothing in one area of life will find time in something they love to do where they would spend lot of energy and effort and would take massive action and activity, on activities like playing a game on the mobile, using social media etc. People who do nothing in their careers, relationships or whatever they want have given up on their dreams and are willing to accept pretty much whatever comes their way.

2.     Retread: Retreaters are those who take actions in the reverse, probably in order to avoid negative experiences that they imagine will come as a result of actually taking action. The retreaters personifies the fear of success phenomenon. Like the do nothings, the retreaters justifies the responses and believe it is in their best interest to live at their current retreat level. Retreaters claims to be doing so in order to avoid more rejections or failures. It is almost never the actual rejection or failure that has impacted them but something else. More often than not it is their impression and evaluation of what failing and rejection mean that is causing them to justify the retreat. Like doing nothing, retreading is an action that requires energy, effort and hard work. Usually retreading only comes about as a result of being told to do so over and over again, many of us has been instructed during childhood, don’t touch that, be careful, don’t talk to him, get away from that, so on and on and then start to adopt retreat as a survival activity. We tend to be pulled away from the very things about which we are most curious in life. Although it is often for our own good and supposedly keeps us safe it can be difficult from years of being educated like this of holding back which might be why it is so difficult for many of us to try new things later in life. We might even be encouraged to retreat by our friend, work associates or a family member who believes we are being too ambitious, or too focus or too dedicated in some area of life. Any realm in which you have assumed you can no longer advance or improve and are now deciding nothing you can do except retreat, would be considered of area of retreat. Those who retreat will spend a life time justifying why they are retreating. They have typically convinced completely that they are merely doing what they must do in order to survive.
3.     Normal level of actions: People who take normal levels of action are most prevalent in our society. This is the group who appears on the surface to be taking the necessary amounts of action at its normal level. This is actually the most dangerous of activities because it is considered acceptable. People in this group spend their life taking enough actions, only enough action to appear average and create average life, average career etc., however they never do quite enough to create the level of success that they can maintain for their survival. Unfortunately majority of work force takes a normal degrees of action. The goal here is average, average in every activity, as long as average works they are good to go, they are fine. When you have been taking only normal levels of action and when you been making only normal investments in your future, you become more susceptible to the challenges that are certain to come your way. Average by definition assumes less than extra-ordinary. It is truly to some degree or another just an alternative description of retread and no action. Average level is actually a retreat from what you are capable of. Someone who takes average action but is capable of much more is really electing to do some variation of nothing or retreading. Be honest with yourself, if you have more energy and creativity available than what you are using, then do not stick to average. Imagine that the product or services you are so often tempted to purchase used average in the advertising, who will buy such product. Taking normal action is the most dangerous of all levels.

4.     Massive Action: Massive action is the most natural state of action for all of us. Children are in constant action, massive level of activity, except when something is wrong they are taking action. Look inside of an ant hill or in the bee hive you see constant, massive, unlimited amount of massive action being generated by living being in order to ensure their survival into the future. There is nobody asking them to back-off, they have attitude to go for it and take massive action and they always find their way. Massive action is when you create new level of problems, until you create new level of problem you are not taking massive action. When you are taking massive action, you are not thinking in terms of hours or effort, your mindset shifts and so will the result. You will end up instigating opportunities to make things happen and routine things become the things of the past. Successful people knows first-hand what it takes to achieve that kind of success. Successful do not see excessive levels of action as a problem but unsuccessful people do see it as a problem. The successful people will never identify massive action as undesirable in any way. Taking massive action means making somewhat unreasonable choices. People in the first three degrees of action, will be threatened by your activity level and will often make it seem what you are doing as wrong in order to make themselves happy. You will realize that you have stepped into the realm of massive action when a) you create new problem for yourself; b) when you start receiving criticism and warnings and supposed help from others. You need to stay strong and continue in the path of massive action you are treading on. Massive action cannot hurt you, it will always help you. This is also one place where quantity is more important than quality. In order to stand out of the crowd, the average, the masses you must take massive action. Making massive action a discipline will break you through obscurity. Massive action will increase your value to the market place and it will help, ensure and guarantee you to generate success in any area of life where you would like to operate with massive action.

Everyone utilizes all four degrees of action at some time in their life especially in response to different areas of life. Different people take different degree of actions based on the circumstances and situation. One might be taking massive action in some area while retread in another area in his life. A person is going to excel and do best in those areas in which he or she invests the most attention and takes the most action. Unfortunately most people spend their time in first three degrees of action. The first two degrees of action i.e. do nothing and retread are the recipe for failure and the third degree of action i.e. normal level of action will only create a normal existence at best. Taking normal levels of action is the killer of the four, it deludes you in believe that you are doing something when only what you are doing is normal and will never get you to extra ordinary. Successful people take massive actions which would lead to a path of success.

Once a person sees the four degrees of action for the first time, he realizes that each of the four require energy, he or she may wake up to make other healthier choices. If you are going to use energy either ways then why not utilize it in the direction of success.

Source: Learning from  Mind Games by Bob Proctor and 10x Rules by Grant Cardone

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