is a unique mental strength, a strength which is essential to combat a fierce
power of repeated rejections and numerous other obstacles that sit in-waiting
and are all part of winning in a fast moving and ever changing world of ours.
It is the sustained effort necessary to induce faith and belief.
power and desire, when properly combined make an irresistible pair. Men who
accumulates great fortunes are generally known as cold-blooded and sometimes
ruthless. What they have is willpower, which they mix with persistence and
place back of their desires to insure the attainment of their objectives.
and fortune will never be the way of life until you pay the price for it by
being persistent. Fame is not a common suitor, however, when you beat
resistance with persistence you will get rewarded with fame and fortune.
great example of persistence is Sir Edmund Hillary. In 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary
and Tenzing Norgay got world recognition for being the first two people who
climbed Mount Everest after having tried and failed in the first two
attempts. Sir Edmund Hillary showed his character strengths of vision and
persistence. Without persistence all his skills would have been nothing and he
would have reached nowhere. These qualities are something which all successful
people have in common.
is an essential factor in the procedure of transmuting desires into reality.
You can make a choice of either climbing the mountain or deciding to remain in
the foot hills. You alone decide to quit or to continue when those inevitable
mountain loom around you. The individuals who have chosen to stay in the foot
hills have never chosen to develop their strengths however they always dream of
being star and gun for fame and fortune. However, fame is not a common suitor,
fame only comes calling after a high price is paid. The people who stay at
the foot hills refuse to pay this price and hence continue to remain at the
great example of persistence is Ben Hogan. He hailed from a poor family and
started as a caddy in the local golf club as a boy to earn extra money for his
family. This lead to the birth of a dream of becoming a great golfer and he was
obsessed with this dream. Every ounce of his body was saturated with
persistence and he had put great deal of hard work, practice and persistence
which lead him to fame and he became one of world's greatest golfer, he won the
US Open Championship in 1948. But he had not yet faced his mountain. Next year
he was involved in a head-on collision with a bus and he was not expected to
survive his injuries, but he did, the doctors opinion was he will not be able
to walk again and that was doctor's opinion but not Ben’s, he insisted that the
golf club and exercise bar be put on the side of his hospital room, with this
he began to visualize himself playing golf again, one year later he
won the US Open Championship, next year he won three major championship, in all
he won fifty four championship after the tragic accident. Does persistence pay,
what better example to understand then of Ben Hogan.
example of persistence is Miles Hilton-Barber. He went blind in his early
twenties, but has not let that stop him from achieving his dreams. He has
sought adventure and succeeded on expeditions to deserts, mountains and the
polar-regions. As a popular after-dinner and corporate speaker, Miles
weaves together rich anecdotes and humor with powerful life-lessons he has
learnt whilst overcoming his blindness. He reminds his audiences that “attitude
is what determines altitude” and that we too can live our dreams, because “the
only limits in our lives are those we accept ourselves." He is living
proof of the old adage "there's no such word as can't."
cannot be replaced by any other quality, superior skill will not make up for
it, a well-rounded formal education cannot replace it, nor will calculated plan
or a magnetic personality, when you are persistent you will become a leader of
your industry and master in your craft. Nothing in the world can take the place
of persistence, talent will not, nothing is more common than unsuccessful
people with talent, and genius will not, unrewarded genius is most common,
education will not, the world is full of educated unsuccessful people.
Persistence and determination alone are inevitable for being successful.
people who never tackled a mountain and who perpetually wandered at the
foot hills most of their lives have lied to themselves and everyone else who
had listened so often and for so long that they are no longer even aware of what
they are doing. They say they are content with the result, they will say that
climbing the mountain is not important to them. They are getting by just fine
the way they are. Odds are they secretly started to climb the mountain years
ago and got scared, they hit the terror barrier, quickly retreaded to their
comfort zone and have been hiding behind their own false rationale ever since.
They frequently justify their sick mediocre performance with statements like,
why should I go all out when I get there the boss would just want more. Such
people are lost or misguided. Do not permit such people to pull you down into
their trap, rather let them serve as a triggering mechanism to mentally double
your commitment to yourself to become more persistent.
of lack of persistence: Lack of persistence is a symptom of problem. The
following are some real enemies which stand between you and noteworthy
achievement and leads of lack of persistence:
1. Failure
to define what one wants;
2. Procrastination
or postponement, with or without cause;
3. Lack
of interest in acquiring specialized knowledge
4. Indecision,
the habit of passing the buck on all occasions and blaming others rather than
facingthe issues head-on;
5. The
habit of relying upon alibis instead of creating definite plans for the
solution of problems;
6. Self-Satisfaction,
not comfortable to leave the safe harbor of the known;
7. Indifference,
readiness to compromise on all occasions rather than meet opposition and fight
8. Wishing
instead of willing and also willingness, even eagerness to quit at the first
sight of defeat
9. Searching
for all the short-cuts to riches, trying to get without giving a fair
equivalent effort;
Fear of criticism, failure to create plans and to put them into actions
because of what other people will think, do or say.
people believe that material success is the result of favorable “breaks”. There
is an element of ground for the belief but those depending entirely upon luck
are nearly always disappointed, because they overlook the above important
factors which must be attended to before one can be sure of success.
do you become persistent: Persistence is never developed by accident, you are
not born with it, you cannot inherit this and there is no one in the entire
world who can develop persistence for you. Persistence becomes a way of
life, it need to be built over time, to develop the mental strength persistence
you must first want something, you have to want something so much that it
becomes a heated desire, a passion in your belly, you fall in love with the
idea so much so that you magnetize yourself to every part of the idea and then
persistence will naturally come to you. The very idea of not persisting will
become hateful, and anyone who even attempt to stop you will be in serious
problem. Mountains, difficulties, obstacles will appear regularly and set
back will be there but if you are persistent they will be defeated and you will
achieve your dream. Persistence is as interwoven with success as cow is with
milk. There are four simple steps which helps in building persistence:
a) A
definite want backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment;
b) A
definite plan expressed in continuous action;
A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences,
including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances;
d) A
friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow
through with both plan and purpose.
above four steps are essential for success in all walks of life. They are the
steps that convert dreams into physical realities.
people never know why they want, they only know what they want, really want,
they must have it, to have they must do it, to do they must be, they wanted so
much that they keep imaging the same day in day out till it becomes a living
breathing embodiment of whatever they want. When you want it enough,
you are worthy of whatever you want, that is why you see ordinary people have
always done extraordinary work.
ordinary people did extraordinary things because they consciously recognize
what they wanted and they refuse to suppress or dismiss it they would not let
it go even if failure, rejection or death was staring at them in the face, it
will have to be that way otherwise ordinary people will never do extraordinary
things, they will never persist, the power of their want and it is the
intensity of persistence which cause them to draw on the resources they had
within them which they never knew. Remember, when the want is weak, you will
quit at the first obstacle, a proper want is essential to persistence.
sum it up, you must decide what you want, want you really want, way down deep
inside or you remain in the foothills surrounded by losers. There are very few
people who have admitted to themselves that this is what I want, this is
what I really want and I am prepared to give my life for it. Ponder a little
about the thought that you are already giving your life for what you are doing,
what are you trading your life for, are you making a fair trade, what you are
doing is your decision, or you are following, that is where most people live,
let it go.
persistence as a wake-up call and lead yourself to the top of the mountain and
in the process you build your strength, attitude and will-power to get out of
the obstacles, difficulties on the way which take you all the way to the
summit. Remember the view from the top is awesome.
you conceive or believe, through persistence you must achieve. Decide right now
to become the one person who would make it happen. To be one of the group who
would receive the lion share of the profits. Make persistence your
most well-developed mental muscle.
the dream is big enough, the problems will get beaten, and the facts don't
count. You beat the resistance with persistence and your reward will be
will then be what it meant to be !
Source : Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
Five Principle of Mind Games by Bob Procter
Pictures from Robin Sharma